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The Olive Tree Connection

The Olive Tree Connection


The Olive Tree Connection- Sharing Messiah With Israel
by John Fischer

Yeshua of Nazareth was Jewish. The Bible was written by Jews. Yet even before the second century of our era, Christians began to cut themselves off from their Jewish roots and to rebuild the "dividing wall of hostility" that Yeshua came to break down. Brotherly love was replaced with suspicion, intolerance and fear. Gentiles adopted Yeshua as exclusively their own, and Jews grew to fear the very word Christian. John Fischer is both a follower of Yeshua and a Jew who cares deeply about his people. Gentile and Jew can once again share Israel's Messiah, he maintains, but those who wish to reintroduce Yeshua to the Jewish people need to be sensitive to Jewish hopes and fears, sorrows and joys. Fischer weaves two themes into each chapter: first, Jewish ideas, attitudes and ways of life, and second, the best ways to share Messiah with Israel. Two extensive appendices help tailor the message to individuals.

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